
Subject D-14 characters still exist DW they aren’t gone and they are still in their original form (Turbo, X, Greenstripe, Wisp, Argo, all them…)


Since I am sick and have nothing else to do here goes 
          So Rosemary’s Sorrow, The Darkest Hearts, and Star’s Redemption is going to most likely being compiled and rewritten entirely to be in one book, and if it turns out to be too long, I will make it two books. It will mostly focus on homophobia and transphobia and it is a topic that I am more familiar as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, meaning a lot of the scenes in the book will be either inspired off of real life events or things that I have heard myself, so it might be a little graphic? Idk, but just in case I will put TWs in the book and will do my best to put them at the beginning of every chapter that seems a bit graphic. So yeahhh that’s all I really need to say, the prologue will be coming out soon lol


By the way, just a couple things so sorry if this is long but here:
          - About my OCs, I am deciding on keeping all of them after some long thinking but their stories are going to be altered and the three sets of OCs I have will be separated and not be in the same universe (The Traveler OCs, 80s Gang OCs which probably won’t be taking place in the 80s anymore, and experiment OCs). Sylvester will still obviously be that creepy god dude that controls all the universes but he won’t be as important anymore. That leads me into my next point.
          - The whole series of TAU is no longer canon and it is no longer going to have a rewritten book of it, so The Traveler OCs are STAYING in that universe that they are introduced in and not being put in a different one to meet the 80s OCs (I’m just calling them that for now). Meaning Dark and Yenzo’s relationship won’t be fixed and Dark probably won’t have the redemption scene everyone is used to. This being said, because the whole TAU series revolves around the significant character, Timber, if I get rid of TAU she therefore wont exist, so having the decision to throw her in three different universes, I have decided to throw her in The Traveler universe because she is primarily seen with those characters anyway, meaning no more Rosemary x Timber :(( I wont say how she will be associated with The Traveler characters because I am going to try to write the stories or explain everything through animation. She will also be aged up and not be a child anymore so personality changesss.
          - Some stuff about the 80s OCs, I am most likely going to toss them into the late 2000s just so it will be easier for me to write as I am more familiar with the style and culture, and because Dark and everyone else isn’t there, a lot of the story will be completely different. I am also throwing Elmira/Bee (Lizzy’s child) into there since Lizzy obviously can’t be there being a The Traveler character sooo Yeahh (1/2)


HYPED !!! Take you time on though, Tim ! I’m excited to see how it turns out in the end :3!!


Some relations with characters will also be changed (Ex: Aspen and Bramble are now brothers bc of their design similarities, Rosemary is friends with Elmira/Bee, Aspen and Star’s relationship, etc etc). I’m going to age up Elmira and Rosemary to be around 15 or 16 and Bramble won’t be three years older than Rosemary anymore and will be around their age so it isn’t as weird and will be easier for me to write his storyline with what I have planned. 
            - Overall, all of this is happening just because it’s easier on my storytelling skills and because I generally did not like the idea of The Traveler characters being extended out so much and just NOT DYING because that seemed to be a big issue to the point where any scene someone actually did die wasn’t as emotional because they were just going to be brought back anyway. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am planning to do an “OMG HOW ARE THEY S T I L L ALIVE” scene with a certain character I will not say, but I promise it will make sense in the long run and that character will eventually die and be dead for good and I won’t do another scene like that where a character keeps miraculously surviving. Anyway yeah that’s all I wanted to say thx for reading my rant.