
As I was (and just) happening to wake up (at this time… that is…), I felt like going back to one of my previous Chapters in any of my Stories (which, of course; turned out to be this one: “A ‘Date’ with Demona”, and the funny part about it was I only found 1 mistake.


As I was (and just) happening to wake up (at this time… that is…), I felt like going back to one of my previous Chapters in any of my Stories (which, of course; turned out to be this one: “A ‘Date’ with Demona”, and the funny part about it was I only found 1 mistake.


I can’t believe it, I’ll be 25 in 2 days (December 6), and it feels like as if it was yesterday; time passes by way too fast! Almost like I don’t have a chance to do anything on here like I used to.


@CreativeDreamJewel still working as usual (most of the time) and have no time (nearly) for recreational activities.


@RoyceDeBarry Well in case I forget, happy 25th birthday!  Trust me, I get the feeling.  Even so, I wish you and your stories nothing but the best.


Anyone here (Follower, or not), do you have a particular Story you like, or maybe a certain Chapter from said story? I’d like to hear your thoughts and what made you interested in the first place as we celebrate on this Turkey Day!


Oh yeah, first things first: 
          1. “I forgot to mention we, (as in “You And I”) have hit the +160TH Follower Mark together, you might have, or might have not given your reasons as to why we are here tonight/today;
          2. As for me, I’m always, if not trying to look for every single, potentially, if not possible chance;
          3. I’ve actually hand-written a book of mine’s in which I would look at the words that were written on paper, then apply them (either use a Computer or a Phone) onto Wattpad;
          4. And finally, my first book of all times was in fact was: “The Adventures of Royce”, then came “A Siamese Cat Guard’s Love” which is only (but in the story, a Siamese Cat is on patrol and when our main protagonist is unconscious, she brings him inside (carried) and by then, things started to get (To Be Continued. . .)


Anyone here love zombie movies (maybe, If not possibly including games)? If so, do tell me cause I just saw the most craziest sight of a costume and you wouldn’t believe me because I don’t have a picture and if I told you.


I forgot to to inform Everyone here that yesterday (officially), I have turned 24. Yet, I don’t feel any older.


@RoyceDeBarry grass is always greener etc


@Alreigch Guess we’re on the same page here. No one wants what the other person has.


@RoyceDeBarry I have depression, anxiety, active insomnia, and a total of 4 broken legs dude. I dont think you want my trade in value either.