
Hi! When you get a chance, I would love to hear any comments you have on Riding with Wolves -- especially if it met your expectations or not.  It sounded like you really got into the story, and you certainly poured through it, so good, bad or in-between I would value your input. Thanks! -- Oh.... There is another I just started posting today, titled Gypsy's Cyn.


@ GlennHefley  I think your story is very good. It's very funny and very sexy but I also feel like you rush to finish this story. I think Tomas die too easy and you never give me a chance to know what is Tanner's think when he first met Erik. Anyway that is just my oppinion and I will definitely check out your new story.
            P.S. If any of my word or gramma are wrong, I'm so sorry because english is  my second