Hi I'm Roze!
| July Cancer | Hufflepuff | ADHD | Dyslexic | 18 years old |
I hope you enjoy what stories I write or read if you look at any!
Have a wonderful day! And don't forget to drink some water and eat a snack if you haven't today! Know that someone will love you even if you feel like no one does! 🫶
- RegistriertApril 7, 2023
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Geschichte von Rozeheartsss<3
- 1 veröffentlichte Geschichte
Why am I here? || Hells Bells || O...
Lamia's mortal life was full of hate and shame on her. There was so much of it that she hated on herself for...
8 Leselisten
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- 18 Geschichten
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- 7 Geschichten