
Final update guys. Thought it would be cool to finish on my birthday :)


Hey guys. I’ve been really busy with assignments so I haven’t been able to update. And now I’m sick! But I’ll post a chapter soon (hopefully by the end of the week) Thank you all for your patience and support. I love you guys :)


Thank you guys. You are all so sweet :)


@Ru55ianR0ul3tte get well soon dear...we will bbe waiting for you


@Ru55ianR0ul3tte Oof. Feel better soon, and don't push yourself too much. You should give yourself a chance to recover. Stay safe!❤


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Numb is incredibly well written. I just can’t understand the delusion the tormentor is living in. I mean he doesn’t see why she could want to off herself. Is he really a sociopath?! Bc then I could understand his lack of empathy and sympathy. Yes, I see how he’s grief stricken by loosing a parent, but that doesn’t make his reasons for nearly causing her death validated! I swear I’ll be so pissed if she accepts his half assed apology. I mean, there’s just so much more a character should take before they grow a back bone and say, fuck off, get the hell out of my room and my life! 


Thanks for your comment love. It has been very insightful. I will also be pissed if she accepts his half assed apology. But maybe some people just can’t grow  a backbone. Maybe they’re just damaged for good. Im not implying that this has happened or will happen to the female character, but some things take time and patience. Abuse and bullying is not something people can get over quickly -this is just a personal opinion- and although everyone has a breaking point, we tend to take it out in different ways. 