EID MUBARAK MOHON MAAF LAHIR DAN BATIN! Maafkan saya jika sering membuat kesalahan atau membuat anda sedih.
(Sorry I'm not gonna translate this im kinda dizzy if youre goin to translate this use indonesia-english)
Happy Birthday To me! Haha I think my mom forgot today is my birthday! :') or like just sis that remembers And that means im a 2 year older than my frend Anyway have a nice day yall
Gran Gran: "-You have to feed the cat even if the cat its not here then seacrh for the cat"
Me: ' yeah as if me go to people's rooftop just searching the cat and get to jail for trespassing someone's property when the cat knows that when its hungry it goes back to the house'
the cat: " fEeD mE iM hUgNrY!!"
Me wacthing ace attorney with sis and saw a snake in sis room: "Ah is that sis rlly realistic snake toy?"
*Me realising that sis doenst even had a rlly realistic snake toy*
"ooOOOooh fric- IT'S A REAL SNAKE!-"
And am proud of being a livin witness of seeing a s n a k e and not a ded witness
and I ended up dreaming that snakes are alligatoers XD wkwkwkwkkkwkw
bro I dream about getting robbed because im a lawyer then the robbers didn't steal the phones because they know that I lawyer have salary cut and have lunch money Rp6. :v brah I played to much ace attorney wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkkwkwk
Now I'm Wondering why does the clock always be 4:44 when I was seeing what time it is???? I swear it keeps happening, and when I look at tine again it be like 4:45 or 4:46 I'm scared-