my feet are in pain
Reading Lists
my feet are in pain
doing Khan academy so I can be better than my peers
Ding Dong the witch is dead!!!!!
I like to find new interesting books but I still have like 300 I need to start and finish reading.
I like to kneel on the side of my bed a lot and my mattress is really hard. My stomach is like screaming in pain but I don't want to move because I'm reading.
My teeth won't fit together right and it's pissing me off. It's like the back molars wont fit right and I'm so mad
Is anyone else's laugh silent?
I kinda rock back and forth before awkwardly making a straight face and then wait for my friends to stop.
I'm so boooorrrrreeeeddddddd
You live a strange life, friend
It's 7. Should I sleep or not?
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