
I'm very very sick as of lately 101.3 temperature for me my parents are urging me to go to the hospital 


@Rubia_Jieun yo man please get better and I will be praying for you!


Back From the Dead! Sorry for the extremely long break My Dog died and I've fallen into a hole thats hard to get out from, I'll try uploading soon to release stress but I can't promise right now Thank you everyone who has been kind and waiting for me


@Rubia_Jieun I'm so sorry to hear that but I'm glad your back! I missed you don't worry take your time to upload! :D <3


P.s I just finished watching a girl from nowhere episode "True Love" damnnnnn I won't lie I'm getting excited for the other episode but according to what I've heard from people PS I watched the series like 2 years ago but I didn't finish it because I didn't realize that there was a second season up until a friend talk to me about it so like I rewatched the whole show and right now I'm in season to which it's so far so good but according to them there's going to be like a character I'm going to end up hating I don't know I keep seeing this one girl with like a red ribbon kept being implied as I'm watching the next episode after which is "Minnie and the 4 bodies" anyways really exited on that Karma