
Hi guys, so I have an English project (which is why I'm able to use my phone during class) and so I really am desperate for people to comment and make meaningful interactions with me. Please, please, please just watch the video and comment so that the interactions can happen! It's important for my grade and I am but a Freshman in high school (T~T)
          	Link to video:


Hi dear!!
          How are you?? What are you thinking about?? Wanna talk abt anything?


@RubiesAsRedAsRoses that’s true!! It’s honestly whatever you decide to make of it, to a certain extent.


@dockat12 I'm thinking about life ^_^. It literally could be anything <33333333


hi! just saying this out of care, and for your own privacy:
          in your bio, it says that you’re a freshman, but then right after that, it says that you don’t want to reveal your age. the thing is, most people know or can simply look up how old a freshman is (so it’s really up to you whether you would like to change that part of your bio or not) 
          take care :>


@bearpuff44 Hi, thank you for your care but I'll leave it up there. I don’t want to directly tell anyone my age but yeah. I'll probably remove the age thing when I get the time. Thanks again for your concern ^_^


Hi guys, so I have an English project (which is why I'm able to use my phone during class) and so I really am desperate for people to comment and make meaningful interactions with me. Please, please, please just watch the video and comment so that the interactions can happen! It's important for my grade and I am but a Freshman in high school (T~T)
          Link to video:


I'm so sorry I misread the thing you replied me with- I overthink a lot


@wallaceLucy Heh, yeah. Please do comment a lot because I'm dry of comments T~T


@RubiesAsRedAsRoses my mind thought of something else, I didn't realize that you had a book named that so I added it to my reading list :) 


Yay! I got to 80 followers so quickly! Thank you all for this! Just 20 more!


Alright, for my stories these are the status of them:
          Trolls fanfic- Hiatus (I need ideas please T~T)
          Harry Potter fanfic- Probably will release chapters soon but I have to look out for my parents too
          Mystery special- Coming soon onto Wattpad
          That's it I suppose. For my Trolls fanfic, someone please give me ideas T~T


Hey guys, I may not be available all of today because yesterday my mom dared me to go without my phone for a day. I'm not sure if she actually meant it but if I'm not here then don't be panicked


@wallaceLucy I think that she will make it honestly. I just need to believe enough


@RubiesAsRedAsRoses yeah, considering that she has a small chance of living 


Aw screw the fact that I can only send three announcements that followers can see! Whenever you guys find this, just know that my mom dared me to not use any devices. So the whole tomorrow I won't be able to answer anything. Leave your messages here if you have any and I will get to it soon. Thanks and see ya


It's called Little Soldier


Also here's my poem in honor of Taylor.
            If I were to hold the world
            Then all you would see is the bold
            If I were to fight the demons
            Then all you would see is the light
            You wouldn’t see the time when I was on my knees
            Or the pleas for help that I cried
            You wouldn’t see my fresh new scars
            Or the more than few times I fell
            I have shed many tears
            And they were not done for cheers
            I have had to shield myself from the pain
            And they were not done for bane
            Next time I hear a cry for help
            I’ll remember what I felt
            For then I’ll stride right there
            To show that I care


Hi everyone, I have a small favor to ask all of you. For an English project, I need to record myself speaking about a hard time in my life and so I need people to watch. After watching, I need to make positive interactions with people so that means people that aren't really my irl friends or anything. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE WATCH IT! If not watching it, then please share this to people. Together we can make an impact. Also I dedicated this video to Taylor so yeah. Please watch it! You'd be helping a lot


@Hrts4Bears Ok, that's good. Though I really do need at least one person to comment or something like that because it's part of my project


@RubiesAsRedAsRoses I can't comment, but I'll watch it


Sending thess chain messages round (Please do this with me):
          To @Lucas1091:
          I am very sorry to hear about your passing, and you were a great person. I'll miss your messages. Fly high, will you? Do it for us.
          Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
          and let perpetual light shine upon him.
          May he rest in peace.
          To @jAiLeYiSlOvE:
          I am very sorry to hear about your passing, and I bet that you were a great person. Fly high, will you? Do it for us.
          Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,
          and let perpetual light shine upon her.
          May she rest in peace.