Hello and good evening!
Or good morning.
Whenever you're reading this, I hope this finds you well and healthy. I'm still working on my bio and can't really think of much to say on there. It's always difficult for me personally to write a bio that seems meaningful to me. It seemed lame of me to just leave it empty until I thought about this little conversations tab and the things id like to use it for. And I think I'd like to try to reveal my self to you all here. I'll do my best to write here often. I want this to be a space where I can be vulnerable and transparent, and hopefully those two qualities will give you better insight into why I write what I write. I'd like to write prompts for followers and future followers to engage with, some diary-esque entries, and general thoughts. I'll finish my Bio sometime but until then I hope that whoever I have the pleasure of entertaining on this page can engage with not only my stories but with me as well.
To the four friends and family who may read this first, thanks for sticking through these few very dry seasons of writers block. I hope my work becomes worth the wait to you!