Also, just a little reminder, everyone, I am 21 almost 22 years old. I have a job that has me working night shifts (11p.m. to 7 a.m.) so I will not be awake during the day.
Reading Lists
Also, just a little reminder, everyone, I am 21 almost 22 years old. I have a job that has me working night shifts (11p.m. to 7 a.m.) so I will not be awake during the day.
Also, just a little reminder, everyone, I am 21 almost 22 years old. I have a job that has me working night shifts (11p.m. to 7 a.m.) so I will not be awake during the day.
So, it has been a while. Hello everyone! I have come to make an important announcement. I have a new fanfic I'm starting to write. I've gotten at least five chapters written right now, so I just need to get a cover art for it. It is My Hero Academia themed. It has no romance in it so far. It might contain some romance, but so far it's just platonic/familial love at this point since the main character does call Tonshinori Yagi/All Might, Oniichan. Hopefully it gets as popular as my creepypasta book, which I might continue or make a rewrite of because I'm slowly getting back into creepypasta thanks to my partner. Until next update my little moons~
@Datfangaltho67 I hope midterms went well, and I'm sorry to here about the bedroom situation, but I'm glad you'll have it back soon!
@Ruby_Woods mega busy. Just got done with Mid Terms and spring break is now underway. Currently cleaning my entire house which is covered in dust due to construction. Had a pipe burst and haven't had a bedroom in over a month, but I'm getting it back very soon!
Hi... Not sure id you remember me but i hope you're doing okay... I dont even know if you have wattpad anymore... Uh... If you do this is Evan, or maybe you knew me as Alyx? I dont remember... Uh, i go by Oliver now and i just hope you're doing okay in life and wanted to let you know i miss talking to you and hope you've been doing hood since we last talked
@TheMumboJumbo Hey! Yeah. It's been a while. Life got busy. I'm trying to get through college while keeping my sanity. It's not working very well. And I'm trying to come up with stuff for a book I'm in the process of writing. And I hope you are doing good as well. I have Instagram (I'm more active there than I am here) or discord if you want to talk more.
I'm officially 19! Today is my birthday~!
It seems that I have been forgotten. Again. This is such a great feeling you know? To feel like if you dissapear no one would care. To feel so alone. But I'm sure no one cares. So whatever.
Happy Easter everyone
Have you ever felt...alone? Forgotten? Like no one would miss you? Like you could just dissapear and the world would go on the same? Like everyone you thought was a friend wouldn't miss you? Instead they would of already forgotten you... Yeah... I have. And I am. It just seems like everyone is always online, but I always have to start the conversations. And they always talk so casually when I'm gone, but when I show up, its like everyone dissapears. I always knew I was annoying and not wanted. But I always pushed it aside hoping that someone would want me around. But that will never happen...
@Ruby_Woods I have thought and always have thought the same thing. But I know there will be someone. At least ONE who cares about you. I even thought no one did for me because for every person who has these thoughts, will think they're alone, but believe me. Some day, just someday you will have the world's attention and everyone will love you. Even now, you may think and feel like lonely and abandoned but that's just inside thoughts. Don't let it win over you. Don't forget your not alone. We're here for you
I don't know why I put this on here. Its not like anyone is gonna see it or care.
@Ruby_Woods i was just gonna start a new one lol. And you may have responded but i might not have
@Punk_Shane Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I thought I replied to you! Ive just been so busy and haven't had time for anything lately. But yes. Of course. I'll rp with you. Do you just wanna start a new one?
Thanks for voting!
@Ruby_Woods Thanks! Is there perhaps any criticism you could give to make it better?
@Fionacle you're welcome~! That story is really good and I can't wait to read more of it~!
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