
I just read Innocence and I really enjoyed it, but I was left with questions. What happened with the neighboring alpha? I wanted him to find the man that lead to his mother's death. There is no way that in all those years as an alpha that he didn't run into one of the men that raped Ace. It just feels unfinished after the bonus. 


@Ruhu95 I know he was young and wouldn't have recognized all of them, but that memory seemed so prominent, that I can't see him ever not remembering him. It seems to me that he would've wanted vengeance on the ones he did remember. That could be a sequel. Hi. Finding one man and him hunting down the cruel ones that came in there knowing that the women was not there of there own accord. There is no way that those horrible men would just stop there actions and not look for another way to sate there twisted desires. They would start there own trafficking ring.


@VictoriaMurray293 Well, the men that were in charge of kidnapping the women were all killed when he was rescued. As far as the men that came to that place I'd imagine for the most part they would have blended together. Especially for someone so young...although him recognizing one and hunting him down could be a good extra bonus chapter... hummmm...


Any chance for a update on family!? I need to know what happens to that sweet lil boy


@Arlet87 well I feel all kinds of special....thank you. Imma go read it now 


@Arlet87 it is done! You're lucky I had a chapter almost done. I haven't looked at that one in a while. I'll try to focus a bit more on writing soon... sadly life gets in the way sometimes. Lol. Hope you like it.


Hi I  am sumera 
          love ur story i just start reading ur book Alpha Lilly  
          Till now its going great ❤❤


Cool! Hope you like!


@Sumera44532 "Orphan Wolf" is next in the series if you want to read more. Plus the side stories. "Brayden" is one of my favorites!