
Please go check out the next chapter of The Unknown which has just been posted, and I hope you enjoy it. P.S. it's a long one. :)


Thank you so much for the follow, and thank you for adding TGO to your reading list! It means the world. Love your Augustus Waters quote. 


@SoulBurningBright Honestly, vampires just aren't my thing. I gravitate to a specific genre (its personal preference really) that doesn't include vampires.  I guess it's just not my taste. However, it could change. I can't say right now definitely that since I love TGO so much that I'm now open to the genre, becauase I don't think I am. However, I think your story is a very worthy exception.  As for why I've gravitated towards your story, I can't really say.  I partly know and I partly don't. I'm not interested in a lot of things but when they are presented in a very beatifully crafted fashion I can't resist. I've noticed recently that I have a really weak heart for good literature regardless of the subject. So, I believe it has to do with how you write essentially. Your writing style is something that I would expect to be in a book given to me by my English teacher, something that's been published and read for years, something that truly echoes the time period in which it was written. You write in a way that's very realistic and immersive, and in a way that really echoes the writing style, the language and dialogue, the characters' behaviors and inclinations, ect. of that time period. It's hard to resist, at least for me. However, before I started reading the book, your description peaked my interest. When I was reading it I was getting the sense that it could be about a gay/bisexual romantic relationship, but I was confused because normally on wattpad next to the title or in the description in brackets there would be bxb or wxw or something to that nature. There would be a warning. But you didn't have that (thank God, because I really don't believe in warning people about that sort of stuff), and the only reason why I knew definitvely that this had a hint of lgbt was that I read the tags. I find that admirable and different and a bit unconventional. Overall, I think it's just because the story is unique and fascinating and beautifully written as to why I read it.


@RumMonkey I'm seriously about to cry. That made my day. Thank you so much! I'm at a loss for words to describe how happy I am. What kept you away? What made this the book that propelled you to read it? 


@SoulBurningBright I really enjoy reading your book. Honestly, I can't even put into words how enthralling and exciting it is to read it. I've literally been trying for this past hour to attempt to describe with nonsensical adjectives of this overwhelming and gushing and overall jovial feeling I have after finishing TGO. It's very shocking to me because, for one, I haven't read anything on Wattpad in years, two, I haven't read anything this thrilling in over a year, and three, I don't read vampire stories. It's not my topic or genre of interest whatsoever, and yet when I read the description for TGO there was no hesistation to read it. And I feel as if Twlight and the typical cliche vampire modern twist trope has sort of dried out the market, so for you to go back to the roots of vampirism is astonoshing. I don't have exstensive knowledge about classical vampirism, but how you write TGO is so athentic, real, terrifying-almost, and believable. Your passion for this topic, or maybe it's your extensive research of it and the time period, truly shows throughout the book, and I can relate to this fully. Either way, I have nothing by high praise to say for TGO and I'm patiently -impatiently- waiting for the next chapter.


Hey there, I recently read 'Dusk', it's such an awesome book... And I am so happy to learn that there will be a sequel too.. Waiting anxiously for it... :)


@Real1Reader Thank you so much for reading it. I'm currently preoccupied with one story right now but I hope to get the first chapter of the sequel out by the end of this year or, at the latest, the beginning of next year.


Yeah, I play the viola. :)
          I know, it's so under appreciated. I guess it's just because people don't really know it exists much less what it is, since it bares a resemblance to the violin. :)
          By the way, thanks for adding Scars to your reading list. :)@Kamalam 


Surprise time! Yay!!! :) So, I was getting curious as to why the one story I was putting all of my effort into wasn't getting noticed at all, yet the story that I'd half-assed (Scars) was close to 1,000 reads and I never advertised that story at all. Then, my sister skimmed this by me. She said that many who write stories often don't get noticed by their unique ones, but instead by their cliche ones. And this is because, cliches (Teen Fiction and Romance) are what's popular right now and are what everyone loves to read. So, I've decided to branch away from my dark side, and experiment with a light fiction story. I have no idea what it's going to be about or whether I'm going to publish a sequel to Scars, I'm still in the brainstorming process. I just thought that maybe the reason why my two paranormal stories aren't getting noticed is because not a lot of people like paranormal stories. So, I should try to appeal to a different audience. Now, I don't know when it's going to come out, much less what it is, but you could expect it to be soon. (Warning: my definition of soon may not be the exact definition of your soon.) Oh, okay well...that's all I had to say. Peaces.~! :)


Okay, so now that I've posted another chapter of The Unknown (Chapter 5 is up right now), due to it being really late in the night for me, I'm going to hold off on telling you guys the surprise until tomorrow, because it will take a LONG time to explain. Toodles.~! :)