yoooooooo i know its been a fat minute since i updated [her] (i think a year? or so?) and i feel bad because idk how many people actually waited for an update
i did finish updating "her", but not on wattpad. i finished it on ao3, and i think asianfanfics (aff) i dont really know why i never updated and finished it on here. i think it was formatting that made me tired and not want to update? but honestly its gone to me so nothing i say will be any explanation or good excuse
i apologize for leavign this story unfinished on here (wattpad) for so long but it is indeed finished on ao3 (username fullsunrey)
i want to also say, because of wattpads security breach or whatever that was a few months ago, i will be deleting my account soon. i have all of my bts oneshots and drabbles backed up and pending repost on ao3 (im still debating over it) and i will officially move over there for any future works (which includes the rewrite of dependent independence if i ever get to it, if any of you remember that.)
ill be keeping this update up for a week as a fair warning for people, and then i will permanently delete this account. this decision stems from a lot of things ranging from the data leak and my poor experiennce with some of the community. ive also just not been feeling this website anymore, whenever i updated the last five or so chapters of "her" it felt like a hassle.
therefore ill be moving to ao3.
i thank you for your support over the duration of this story, and i hope to see some of you on ao3. if not, then i hope you guys continue to have a good time on wattpad.
if you want to contact me or keep in touch with me or whatever, im on twitter under the same username above (FULLSUNREY) with a japanese dn and under the alias rey (just in case you cant find me hehe)
on that note, i no longer go by rumi. please do not call me rumi on twitter.
deleting on oct 7, 2020