
Hey GuyS cHeCk OUt mY nEw BooK Music Is My Drug. 


HoW doEs ThiS sOuNd?
          nO tItLe YeT:
          Gaia is normal.
          Sort of.
          She's nerdy yes, but she has friends.
          Sort of.
          Friends who use her for her knowledge.
          But she's okay, she's got parents who love her.
          Sort of.
          At least they love each other.
          Sort of.
          Her parents argue a lot, they don't even notice her.
          So yeah, Gaia's normal. Invisible, nerdy, alone normal. 
          But sometimes invisible, nerdy, alone, normal girls have the greatest story of all.
          And this one just so happens to involve Uranus Hades.


          SomE poEtRy Is lIke tO sHarE:
          You know those moments when all you want to do is cry
          Just sit down and cry
          And cry
          And cry.
          But you can't
          Because you know if people ask why
          You won't know what to say.
          You have no real reason to cry 
          Except that you feel like it
          Nothing's wrong 
          Everything's okay.
          But still you just want to cry
          And cry
          And cry
          Cry until you're dry.
          I have those moments
          At least nine times a day
          I can't explain it.
          I just need to cry
          Does that make me weird?