
Wow, so it's been awhile since I've been active on Wattpad. To all new fans, I'm sorry for not thanking you personally but I would like to thank you for taking the time to follow me. For all who have asked me to continue with vampire and wherewolf I am in the process of rewriting the chapters that are posted and then I will be continuing the story. For fans of check-mate, chapter eight is finally up and chapter none is being written as you read this. Finally I have started a new book as some of you may of noticed. I'm not sure if there will be regular updates or not. Thank you all for your support  and I will try to post more regularly.


Wow, so it's been awhile since I've been active on Wattpad. To all new fans, I'm sorry for not thanking you personally but I would like to thank you for taking the time to follow me. For all who have asked me to continue with vampire and wherewolf I am in the process of rewriting the chapters that are posted and then I will be continuing the story. For fans of check-mate, chapter eight is finally up and chapter none is being written as you read this. Finally I have started a new book as some of you may of noticed. I'm not sure if there will be regular updates or not. Thank you all for your support  and I will try to post more regularly.


Hey guys, just something that came to mind and thought I would share with all of you.
          You know we all spend so much time worrying about where we are going and what is coming that we forget to look at the world around us, what is going on today. We are all so focused on the future that we never see the present anymore and that is just sad. We go through school thinking about what college we will go to and then once we get into college we start thinking about what job we will get once we finish college and once we get a job we think about how we will afford all the things we need and want. And in all that focusing on the future we miss out on so much in this life. We miss the little moments that make life worth living. We don’t see the wonderful things that are happening around us. What is in the future, that is how we define how we see the world. We don’t see the world as how it is, rather we see the world we hope to live in some day. But we never do because we are so focused on what can be or will be that we miss out on the what is. And that is probably the saddest thing about our existence. The only thing sadder is that we don’t seem to realize just how sad it is until it is too late to change it. We need to stop defining the world as what we want it to be in the future and we need to start defining it by what we see around us today. Not what we might see but what we have seen and what we do see. Nothing in this world is set in stone but the past and the present and that is the only things that we should be using to define ourselves. When we start defining ourselves by what may happen we are just setting ourselves up for failure because there is no guarantee that what we want to happen will happen.


Hey guys! So don't know about you but it is the middle of the night where I am. Anyway I posted the start of a new story. The difference from all of my other stories is the fact that its non-fiction. It's a true story, every single word, I lived through every moment that will be described. So please no comments saying that something couldn't of happen or isn't true, cause I was there, it did happen and it is true.  It's the story about a jounery that I went on with a friend, a friend that I want to say thank you too. Until next time, this is Runningforever. 


Have you ever had a moment, a moment when the whole world seems to make sense, only for a moment but a moment all the same? Because I seem to have them all the time. A moment when I feel like I understand just a little bit more about time, life, the world. Maybe I'm just weird or it's how my brain is wired or something but it is probably the greatest feeling in the world. So anyway the thing that prompted this question was because I had another one of these moments today. I was talking with a friend and they mentioned how they hated when an author that they enjoyed reading was dead. And we'll I was struck with one of these moments and this is what I said. 
          But I mean the fact that these stories, from these writers who got started by having their stories published in the news paper, are now printed in books by the millions, read by thousands each day, so many years later. Just that sense of wonder and awe, it just can't be topped by anything. I mean if that isn't amazing I don't know what is. Anyone can get published. Anyone can write a book. But not everyone can say that 50 or more years after their death people will still remember their name, people still will be reading their words. A tv show can be canceled but the book only ends when you want it to. A tv show you sit and let it tell you everything. What everything looks like, you play no part in it. But with a book it is so very different. With a book you create the characters. The author doesn't bring them to life, the reader does. All the author does is plant an idea, give a little guidance along the way. But in the end the reader decides when the story ends. The reader can continue the story in their mind, bring the characters out of the book and into their own lives. That is what is so beautiful about stories. They can't be contained on paper between two covers. They are living breathing things, just like us. 
          So that is my lovely thought for the day. Until next time, this is Runningforever. 


Alright, so obviously the updates didn't happen and I'm very sorry about that, but things get crazy and well stuff doesn't happen when things get crazy. I hope you all had a great holiday and are staying safe. That said since it is right after Christmas and I am sure many of you got iPhones or iPod touches for Christmas if you didn't already have them. There is a couple of apps in the apple App Store that you may be interested in. There is one called twoface wich allows you to view your twitter feed and Facebook wall from the same app so you don't have to switch back and forth between the two apps. There is also one called swift load which basically can open any document but also it allows you to send files via Bluetooth. Both apps cost only .99 cents and are worth looking into. Happy new year!


Hey guys, for those of you who survived Sandy, I give my congradulations. I've been extremely busy putting on a production with 70 other people and really haven't had time to write much. That being said I've decided to continue working when I can on my stories. I know none of them have been updated in a long time but I plan on having a new chapter up for each one by the end if the month and hopefully be able to update once a month at least. I am working on my blog still, attempting to have a poem a day up but we'll see how that goes. Thank you for your continued support, it means a lot. 


Okay so  as I said earlier I'm now using a blog instead, and at the moment I have two versions of the same story posted on it so if you guys wouldn't mind taking a look and letting me know which version you like better that would be really awesome, thanks again for all your support and if you ever have any questions you are then welcome to ask.


Hey guys, so I know it's been awhile since I really posted anything and I'm really sorry but I've been having a lot of stuff going on and haven't had the time. As of now I'm dropping all my stories that are in progress because it's been to long since I last worked on them I no longer know the story myself. That being said I will continue to write poems and some short stories but they are going to be posted on my blog (link is in info about me) due to personal reasons. I will try to post something on wattpad now and then but there is no promises. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Thank you for all your support. 