
Hello everyone! DMATAC is still on hiatus, sadly! I hope to get back to it in Septemper, but if you want to reach out to me to ask anything or talk about the fic, or just chat in general, consider following me on instagram (@rurikkirur).
          	For Brazilians, there are some news about my debut novel, that will be published in portuguese this year! English version will be published next year (hopefully)!
          	Olá a todos! DMATAC ainda está em hiato, infelizmente! Espero voltar a escrever a fic em setembro, mas se você quiser entrar em contato comigo para perguntar qualquer coisa ou falar sobre a fic, ou pra falar qquer coisa em geral, considere me seguir no instagram (@rurikkirur).
          	Se tiver algum BR por aqui, lá no insta tem novidades sobre meu romance de estreia, que vai ser publicado em português esse ano! )


@RurikKirur OH my sure I'm gonna check it out...give us a heads up when the book published I'll buy it if it's available here


@ JUNE1505 noo, I would love to publish DMATAC, but fanfiction can't be published, unfortunately.  It's one of my original novels! Its a fantasy book with some drama and heavy angst, about the trials of being imortal, with gay platonic lovers that can' t admit they're in love with each other! ️‍ I'm posting some reels about it in my insta if you want to check it out! 


@RurikKirur By your debut Novel do you mean Aeternum caput....please tell me you ar going to publish it


Hello everyone! DMATAC is still on hiatus, sadly! I hope to get back to it in Septemper, but if you want to reach out to me to ask anything or talk about the fic, or just chat in general, consider following me on instagram (@rurikkirur).
          For Brazilians, there are some news about my debut novel, that will be published in portuguese this year! English version will be published next year (hopefully)!
          Olá a todos! DMATAC ainda está em hiato, infelizmente! Espero voltar a escrever a fic em setembro, mas se você quiser entrar em contato comigo para perguntar qualquer coisa ou falar sobre a fic, ou pra falar qquer coisa em geral, considere me seguir no instagram (@rurikkirur).
          Se tiver algum BR por aqui, lá no insta tem novidades sobre meu romance de estreia, que vai ser publicado em português esse ano! )


@RurikKirur OH my sure I'm gonna check it out...give us a heads up when the book published I'll buy it if it's available here


@ JUNE1505 noo, I would love to publish DMATAC, but fanfiction can't be published, unfortunately.  It's one of my original novels! Its a fantasy book with some drama and heavy angst, about the trials of being imortal, with gay platonic lovers that can' t admit they're in love with each other! ️‍ I'm posting some reels about it in my insta if you want to check it out! 


@RurikKirur By your debut Novel do you mean Aeternum caput....please tell me you ar going to publish it


Author nim hope you're doing well...your life is going well you're taking care of yourself and not overwhelming and exhausting yourself physically and mentally....I'm eagerly waiting for the next update of Aeternum caput ....again don't worry we will be here when you come back 


@ JUNE1505, thank you so much! Your support means more than you imagine! 
            It's hard to control feelings of guilt, and such, since I really wanted to keep my schedule of posting, but I am trying to be kinder to myself!
            Make sure to rest as well, to handle your own roller coster!  And thank you for being here reading my fic and leaving me lovely messages! 


Yep take a lot of rest....and resting time to time is important and writing can be hectic too so don't feel guilty about being unable to write....hope after your break and you settle down properly you comeback with a fresh energy....and we will be waiting for you
            My life is also roller coaster right now with college and personal life but I'm still alive and going


@JUNE1505 hello! Thank you so much for the message!  I am doing fine, despite my life still being a bit crazy! I am mostly resting in the little free time I have, and I admit that I miss writing soooo much! Writing helps me relax a lot,  and takes my mind off things, but  I still haven't time for it! I'm filled with ideas for the last part of the fic, and I hope to get back to writing soon! (fingers crossed! )
            I hope everything is well with you too! And thank you for the patience! 


Oi Rurikkirur! Tudo bem? Ei, já que não temos mais o chat privado para mantermos contato e infelizmente eu não tenho mais o Instagram, que tal conversarmos por e-mail ou até mesmo pelo Twitter?


@RurikKirur | Oi! Eu te segui no Twitter, mas não consegui enviar uma mensagem, pois parece que seu perfil não tem a função disponível para isso. Se não for incômodo, você poderia me enviar uma mensagem, já que o meu perfil tem essa função disponível?
            P.s.: fico feliz que esteja bem! Eu também estou bem! ✌


@ Ellatraduz  Oi, tudo bem sim e vc? Por mim pode ser! Meu @ no Twitter tbm é @rurikkirur! E meu e-mail é


Ohhh, I'm editing this week's chapter of DMATAC, and I'm so eager to share them with everyone! I'll be posting a small preview on my insta later on, check it out! This chapter will be a little more experimental, and it will include a very special event of The Aeternum Caput!


@RurikKirur no problem I love long chapters...and now I am dying from excitement ....excited to see how you involve Samhain and the caput


@JUNE1505 Ohhh I can't help it! This chapter is a little experimental for me in terms of writing, but it involves the Samhain, the pagan festival that originated Halloween, and I LOVE this mythology so much! So, well , here is a little other clue on what to expect! 
            It's a huge chapter though, and it might take me the whole Sunday to finish editing, so the update may be a little delayed... 


@RurikKirur you fuel my excitement


Hello everyone! I posted a small Drarry One-Shot based on an amazing artwork! The idea (from the artwork) was that Harry is a Sheriff and Draco a wanted criminal! If it sounds interesting to you, please check it out, both the fic and the artwork (by lyrablack1883 on instagram)!


Hello everyone! 
          So I didn't manage to bring the regular Sunday update last Sunday because my life was a mess, but this Sunday we'll return with the regular updates! Go to my insta for some promo reels and small spoilers of what's coming! 
          And a big thanks to everyone that started following me here on Wattpad! And to everyone reading the fic!


@RurikKirur no problem....give some time to yourself and your health also it's very important


And I just posted the Chapter that has the scene that drove me to start this whole fic! I hope you all like it! 


@JUNE1505 I'm so happy that you loved it! I was also eager to share the revelation! Thank you for reading and for always commenting! 


@RurikKirur I just love the chapter...I was waiting for the always you didn't disappoint 


I changed the cover design of DMATAC to see if it could fit the story as it is now a little bit more, but somehow I think I liked better the old one. Anyhow, I'll leave this one for a while, and see if I can get used to it!


Aaand I changed back already.  God, this one is so much simpler, but it feels more 'right' somehow. Go figure the reasoning of my brain!


@JUNE1505 thanks!!!  I'll leave it a couple more days, but I think I'll change back in the end! Can't get used to this one, seems like it doesn't give the right feeling of the story...


@RurikKirur I like this poster....still as you say the previous one suits better but I like this one also