Happy new year Me and my family are dealing with the loss of my aunt Dale Grimes she died yesterday and I will be dealing with her loss and understand that I will be back on here sometime next week writing.

@Rusherevansfan1996 It was really hard when my previous dog had to be put down. I had known him since I was a baby. I miss him every day. I have two dogs now but now even the older of my two dogs is a senior dog. Luckily he’s healthy. He plays like a puppy sometimes but he is LAZY HAHA The other dog is certifiably insane. No joke. He is nuts. Cute but insane

@rainbowpal I know the feeling I lost a lot of family members but this one hurts more

@Rusherevansfan1996 I remember when my Poppy died. It was hard. He was a very sweet man. I miss him a lot.