
 It's official - I am redesigning my profile page. I'm keeping the picture because fall is my favourite season, but I'm adding all-new stories, clearing out my reading list, and generally trying to be a better person. Let me know what you think!


 It's official - I am redesigning my profile page. I'm keeping the picture because fall is my favourite season, but I'm adding all-new stories, clearing out my reading list, and generally trying to be a better person. Let me know what you think!


"There's little in taking or giving,
          There's little in water or wine,
          This living, this living, this living
          Was never a project of mine.
          Oh, hard is the struggle, and sparse is
          The gain of the one at the top,
          For art is a form of catharsis,
          And love is a permanent flop,
          And work is the province of cattle,
          and rest's for a clam in a shell,
          so I'm thinking of throwing the battle,
          Would you kindly direct me to hell?"