
So sorry everyone for not posting its just been hectic since new year. My grandfather had a heart attack and died and traditional weddings take a really long time,then after that my parents announced that they were getting divorced so am currently dealing with that but as soon as things settle down I'll update I promise:-) :-)


So sorry everyone for not posting its just been hectic since new year. My grandfather had a heart attack and died and traditional weddings take a really long time,then after that my parents announced that they were getting divorced so am currently dealing with that but as soon as things settle down I'll update I promise:-) :-)


Wishing everyone a most wonderful Christmas and new year. May all your dreams come true, I know mine did. I know I've only been on wattpad a little while but am so greatful for the people who followed me and people who read my stuff it might seem like like less to others but to me it means the world. Before I joined wattpad I was just a misunderstood kid but now,am with a crowd that actually gets me so thank you:-) :-) :-)


Am super sorry for all the mistakes your comments are really helpful pliz keep commenting and about chapter one I don't know what happened I posted it though I'll try to be better in the next chapter pliz understand this is my first story ever,thanks love