
“Mental health first :)” girlies are TWEAKING the second a symptom can’t be romanticized lmao


OH GOD. EVERY TIME I SCROLL PINTEREST WITHOUT A CLEAR REASON I LOOSE BRAINCELLS. LIKE- stumbling upon straight rarepairs kills me. I cannot do this anymore  tbh non-canon straight ships are even worse BECAUSE YALL BE LIKE “oh yeah two characters care for each other, they interact often and display mutual affection that looks like friendship? They must be such good frien- HOLD UP ITS A MAN AND A WOMAN!?!1?1!1?1!?1 CANON1!!1!1! THEYRE IN LOVE FOR SHARING FRIENDLY INTERACTIONS!1!!1” and then bluntly ignore the fact that one or both of the characters happens to have MUCH closer friends of the same gender because “it just doesn’t have the chemistry.” Please end my misery and realize ur homophobic… like this got to be the reason I hate it when basic cishet girls get to my fav media because yall be ignoring literal queer coded characters… 
          so this MIGHT be a controversial opinion but
          I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE STRAIGHT FANON SHIPS… there’s not a single one that doesn’t fit the description of “yeah omggg they’re so canon (a man and a woman shared a positive interaction)” 
          FIGHT ME.


Tee hee the rant is a bit long but also quick note: there are some CANON straight ships I find really cute, it’s the FANON I can’t stand ;-;