
Guys I need to warn you about a girl named @AngelQueenxx1 she has been harassing people on Wattpad and is incredibly toxic if she contacts you make sure to block her or do not interact with her at all be careful guys


@Ruuubby12 I would love that. Thank you.


I haven’t deleted them, i unpublished them because I was told by many readers and a friend of mine that they were too dark, but if you want I can send them to you on messenger 


hey ruby its been a while since i did any stories but i just adeded a new story whenever you get the chance can you check it out and see how i can improve it or give ideas for future sencerios thank you and love your stories btw.


          I was thinking of having you do a chapter about how first she plays with her shark, he defends her from other sharks and she realizes that it's slowly becoming dangerous, and second how it's been a year that she can voluntarily go out on the town with Vennir. I was still thinking about Trollex's daughter helping Vennir make new friends so that he won't be alone when she and Floyd are at home. I hope you will think over my ideas, I wish you a merry Christmas and a wonderful rest.


Hi. I love Trollex x daughter reader. I noticed something; it as if Freddy's secret cult that wants a world without leaders or rulers has faded out of the story, so please could you make them have a dramatic reappearance by attacking one of the leaders and/or their family (not Trollex or y/n). Actually, I was thinking she should kill King Thrash (Barb's father) and leave her a note which she will show Trollex. Oh, and make Poppy and Branch get married