I’m glad to see you’re still on Wattpad!! So many people have come and go

@-_-WendyMarvell-_- Hello there! Nice to see you're still kicking here! Yeahh, I think I've seen quite the number of people just... vanish away.

@Admiral_Danish Ahah, I see... well, welcome to my Wattpad account, then :D

I didn't know you have a wattpad account lol

I found out about your futanari story from your Archive of our own account lol

@Hqoukatokii Yeahh, it's quite the... decision to remove DMs. Makes it harder to connect personally, but oh well. As for how I'm doing, can't say it's a really great time at the moment, but I'm doing alright enough! I appreciate the kind words, and it's great to hear back from you!

Hailing from Fanfic.Net! Love your Story of Season/Harvest Moon story!

Hello There @Ry2_SinHeart

Hello creator, I hope you had a good new year, let's see how this year 2024 will go for you.

@Ry2_SinHeart, Hey look! 1k reads on the hm story! Nice! ( I totally did NOT read it all over again for the 33th time already. )

@S1LVYZ ah, I totally believe you! Definitely don't suspect you. (Joking aside, I respect your dedication.)

@Ry2_SinHeart, you'll always be my favourite writer! I’ve seen your other stories, and they're great! and of course my favourite being the hm one you made, but I still support you on every story you make! I’m glad you're continuing these stories and hopefully you’ll continue the Harvest moon one! I’m so glad somebody actually likes this underrated ship just like I do! ^^ Thanks for responding to me btws!

@Ry2_SinHeart in the GBC version where Pete has a Green cap, Claire isn’t included however Sara is, I cant say I ship Sara with Pete as much as I do with Claire, but they still have a good relationship and even canonically live together in the GBC(Gameboy Color) Version, I’ve played it and it’s honestly not that bad, the SNES version was better in my opinion however Sara wasn’t in that game I don’t think at least, Pete x Claire is a really underrated ship, just as much as Pete x Sara, whenever I ship Claire x Pete I usually ship everyone else with their canon Marriages, ( MaryxGray, RickxKaren, Popurixkai, CliffxAnn, DoctorxElli ) I wish that Pete and Claire were working farmers in the SOS Version, however this was when Sara and Pete were living together and they couldn’t just Marry anybody because they were living together. And I’m Obviously going to stick around! For as long as I live, I’ll always see if you’ve uploaded a new part and read the stories allll over again! You’ve cheered me up so much from my boring life, it’s hard not to keep stickin' around!

@S1LVYZ Yeahh, the older games hold a very special place in my heart (FOMT and BTN in particular... never got a chance to experience HM64). I play them and the newer games from time to time. Gotta say, I'm sad Pete and Claire aren't marriage candidates to each other in the remake :'V... quite a missed opportunity I feel. Also, thanks for checking out my other story! I'm astounded you'd read my fanfic that much... it's quite an honor. I hope you'll stick by for when I finally reach both stories' endings ^_^ (which is gonna be a looong while lol)

@Ry2_SinHeart ^^ Thank you for continuing to write, as a Harvest moon fan it makes me so happy to find another Harvest moon fan ( I’m More of a FoMT BTN and HM64 Lover ) I also got SOS:FoMT a few months ago and this story has been on my mind ever since I found it, it reminds me of when I used to play BTN(Back to Nature) I still do of course, and especially FoMT, I also loved your story " one day, I adopted 3 Monstergirls! " ^^ it’s enjoyable with lots of parts, im hoping you’d continue and finish both for me to enjoy and read over and over again! I’ve read your hm story like 30 times already, over and over again >3<!

Good, hey, have you been inactive recently, something happened to you, if so, I hope you are well ⭐

@Phataron22 I'm honored to hear that! As busy as I may be now, I don't plan to stop writing ever

@S1LVYZ Aww, thank you for the kind words! I'm glad to hear from another fellow Harvest Moon :D

@Ry2_SinHeart Ok, no problem, anyway I love your work and you are one of my favorites on Wattpad so I wish you luck in your studies or your work, while we wait for your return ♠️⭐⭐♠️