
It's been awhile since I've worked on this, but if anyone is interested let me know and I'll keep writing! I love any feedback you guys have, and I'd really like to put myself out there more, so help me keep this story alive!! 


So I'm probably going to take down helpless! Sorry for everybody who was into it, but I have a new story idea so I'm going to completely rework it and helpless is just interfering with my new idea. I can't keep everything straight.  So stay tuned for my new story! I'm thinking May 1st for release date 


Well happy new year everybody! It's been a really good year for me writing wise and I would just like to thank all the people that encouraged me! You're the reason I do what I do! So thanks- it means a lot to me. 
          I hope everybody has an amazing year :) bring it on 2015! 


Okay so I have decided not to post any more chapters on "Take Me to Neverland" until I get SOME kind of feedback or response. I can't figure out if anybody is even reading it and I really want to get my name out there so if I can get just a few votes or comments on the chapters I already have out that'd be awesome! But the next chapter will be the last until I can get some kind of idea as to if I should even bother with this story. So let me know or vote for it! Thanks everybody