Good evening, and thank you.
For anyone who is following me, you will see I have posted a new story called Cool Kids. Those of you who know me that title will be VERY familiar.
This version I have posted is complete at ten chapters, and is the unedited original of what has now become We Will Not Go Gently.
For many years Cool Kids has held a strong place in my heart as the first true story I ever wrote. I often look back at it to gauge my progress.
This is a milestone for me. For a long time I have been so self-conscious about people reading what I write. I didn't feel confident enough.
I know that this is far beyond perfect, hell I wrote it when I was 22 and the ending is nowhere near good. But it is good to look back on these kind of things.
Everyone comes from somewhere.
Cool Kids started out when I was on a car ride with a friend. We pulled up to a stop sign that was in front of a house. Four kids were sitting on the patio, talking about something. I had only briefly looked out the window at them. They saw me and stopped talking immediately. It was like they were hiding something. I couldn't get that scene out of my head. This was the seed for what became cool kids.
If you find the idea of this story enjoyable for what it is, leave a comment and I will provide you with We Will Not Go Gently if you are interested.
For those of you who do read this, enjoy and thank you.