
heyyyyy so I uh... I'm low-key back. Got a working computer that I can actually use to post, if you guys still want.
          	If y'all do want more content, lmk what u want, I have a bunch of old stuff in my notes app, was thinking of making a notes app story of my midnight rants/poems b/c raw thoughts are sometimes the most honest thoughts. also midnight life lessons lol. anyways lmk :) have a nice day!


heyyyyy so I uh... I'm low-key back. Got a working computer that I can actually use to post, if you guys still want.
          If y'all do want more content, lmk what u want, I have a bunch of old stuff in my notes app, was thinking of making a notes app story of my midnight rants/poems b/c raw thoughts are sometimes the most honest thoughts. also midnight life lessons lol. anyways lmk :) have a nice day!


Are you alive 
          I know you are but
          Do you still have more stuff in your Google docs?


@AFanf1cWrit3r hey :) I am alive, ty for asking, I haven't been on Wattpad until about last night but yes I do! I have a crazy ton of stuff, also lots in my notes app. are you asking for more(I'd be happy to post more now that I have easier access to Wattpad)? :)


Y'all so I know I haven't been on in a WHILE (my bad) but like I check back every so often and there are so many notifs so I'm going to go through comments & possibly people's announcements tonight cuz like what did I miss? How are y'all???


@RyanThePotato thanks man first day school was yesterday I saw almost all my friends but also got harassed alot... loving high so far


@wheremygayzat ugh school... I hope you’re doing ok in school now!


hey dude 


@98Unicorns not much, school started tho...


@98Unicorns hello!!! what's up?


I haven’t even wished everyone a Happy Transgender Day Of Visibility why am I like this. Anyways, if you don’t realize that you’re valid and amazing and literally the light of this world, just... know that you are. Especially to my trans peeps out there, especially today, know that you’re loved and it’s gonna get better, it’s gonna be okay, seriously I love y’all. Run over everyone else with a roomba if they don’t think so, because their opinion is dirt. Anyways have a nice day/week/year/life!


Y’all it’s women’s day if you don’t know now you know. Anyways... HAPPY WOMENS DAY! YAY WOMEN! Y’all are honestly awesome you guys take so much sh*t and y’all are so strong so have a good day. Everyone have a good day. And remember those cool women who made history even when stupid men said they couldn’t. Also stay-at-home parents like the ones kids love and rely on like y’all are doin amazing. Anyways have a good day :)


@RyanThePotato Im prolly very late but... 
            thank youu <333


Soooooo happy Valentine’s Day!! I don’t have a date or a valentine so here’s some puns(feel free to add more):
          If you were a transformer, you’d be Optimus Fine
          Hi I’m Microsoft. Could I crash at your place?
          Are you Australian? Because you meet all my Koala-fications!
          I think you’re suffering from a lack of vitamin me!
          Are you French? Because Eiffel for you!
          If you were words on a page you’d be fine print.
          I’m in the mood for pizza. A pizza you that is!
          Okay okay I’m done :)


I feel like when you write about stuff and you finish a whole story, you’re already understood the theme of the story you were writing. So that’s why I don’t think I’ll be able to write the sequel to RL yet because for the love of god I can’t seem to accept myself enough to write a book about acceptance. So I’ll either write the third story of RL or put most my effort into this new project I started. You probably didn’t need to read this but this is just an update/explanation about my life. How are you guys?


@RyanThePotato I'm glad it made you happy and that you get me.