
          	(ikik it was my old yt and i'm going to change the user!)


this is so random-
          so, i want to have a photoshoot tonight, because I normally can’t sleep and am 
          anyone have any ideas cause the one’s I see online are cool but mostly outside or difficult to do soooo, i’ll take anything 
          That being said, I'm going to make a photography book so I can post the pictures and also look back to see how I was as a beginner <3


So, I've just been feeling overstimulated more often recently, i don't know what it is but yea. certain things have been causing me to be overwhelmed easily like people chewing with thier mouths open (not new), people asking me too many questions (also not new), people saying huh to like every sentence I say (yes this is directed),loud noises and it's causing me to become anxious and overstimulated. Today we were baking cookies with my family and i was doing fine and then i just was like not there anymore?? idk how to explain it but it was like my brain wasn't there and i was pacing apparently. Like idk how to explain the feeling i felt but i wasn't there mentally. So i told my mom and she thinks it's nothing but we are going to the doctors next week and i might bring it up cause i don't think it's anything new but i wanna mention it so i know if it isn't or is something else.
          sorry for the rant