
To all my patient followers:
          	I apologize for my long absence. But you will be happy to know as my finals are almost done, I will soon be on Christmas break, which gives me more time to write. Expect and update this month for Into the Arena, and the epilogue for The Mating Tournament. Again, thank you for your support and comments, they mean the world to me. 


Hi, it's been a long time since you've been able to update. I hope you are doing well and everything is ok. I read your stories years ago and was just going through my library and remembered how much I loved in to the arena. That's all


Just wanted you to know many people are still reading your stories and hoping to see them finished even after all this time.  You really made the characters come alive for us in a very real way ,and  we are following hoping to see updates and conclusions.  Thank you for sharing your talent with your readers.