
Hey guys, so I'm mainly on ao3 now so if you wanna find me on there my username is still the same:)


Your stories are beautiful


@marcosAZE44 mot often unfortunately.


Are you still posting stories?


Wow, this feels wired to say. Never expected to have one of those traumatising can't upload moments but woo, here we go.
          So I've been up all night crying in pain and have been off school today, I'm currently going uo to the NHS to have a ultra-sound for my appendix! 
          Might give some updates but yeah. 


hey, been a while but I feel like I should addres the controversy about Scott smajor and MCC stuff seemign as he's the 'face of mcc' , I personally had no clue that there was a Jewish holiday that day, and I don't think many others did either. As I've heard it's not well known. 
          And if you didn't know Scott himself is Christian, And I personally would not expect him to know that when it's not apart of his religion. 
          But I understand that other may feel offended by this, and even if others couldn't watch it live, they can still rewatch it. 
          But this is only my opinion and I will continue watching Scott For now. I understand if it's not your cup of tea.
          But this is my decision, so. 


Hey... Blame @AWriterForNone because I have been told to publish an extra chapter of my book:)


@RyeIsBritish you can’t have good books without making crap ones first 
            that’s kaz’s wattpad life lesson for ya


@AWriterForNone I'm pretty sure it's still gonna be a crap like my other books tbh