@Morgans-Immorality um... ah...
I um...
1 I am a fander
2 I have Gravity_Falls54612, @Ali_Cynical ans everyone else as my friends ( I am surprised at how many I have- 8. More then any other time in my life!)
3. I can't think of anything else...
Thanks for this anyway!
And because I can't think of anything I shall do 10 things about my Idols that I love.
1. Thomas is sweet, positive and does his best to make sure everyone feels included
2. @Gravity_Falls54612 is a smart cookie who is incredibly sweet, inclusive and dishes out love and care endlessly
3. @Ali_Cynical has a brilliant brain, and is an amazing friend that I am eternally grateful to have.
4. Valkyrie Cain. What can i say. Strong female who can stand up for herself with a fearsome reputation.
5. Annabeth Chase, much the same as Valkyrie. But smarter.
6. Joan, a funny, amazing non-binary pal who isn't afraid to stand up for what they believe in.
6. Talyn- same as Joan, a brilliant non binary human with awesome hair
7. ALL THOMAS'S OTHER FRIENDS. His amazingness must rub off on the people around him, because all the countless others Thomas knows are just as brilliant as he is.
8. @IvoryAid @duckytoadette @Athena_Danger @NightFlameShadows @Artemis_P @SmokeyEssence - all amazing people with amazing brains who make amazing stories and are amazing at helping people with their self worth and are just amazing.
9. I have to mention @Gravity_Falls54612 again, because of how much she does. Everything you said above is true, as well as, well everything. This shouldn't have been a thinker for you. You even included me, a stranger you haven't met and barely know anything about in your birthday video for Thomas, something many fanders would hold close to them.
10. Everyone else on this positivity chain, for keeping this going and making people feel better about themselves. Sorry for letting you down- I can't think of anything for the life of me.