kangen ryntha juga. dm lineku selalu kebuka if someday you feel like talking
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And maybe I will visit this acc if I miss this. I feel like I wanted to cry, when I write this message. I'm so sorry. And truly, I love you. —Ryn. (Hehe, you can dm me If you want to fangirl Seokjin Taehyung or bangtan, for the last time (in this year?) before I log out this acc.)
@Sincostan__02 but however aku akan selalu mendukungmu my little poetess.. don't ever give up,you never walk alone Ryn.. ps. i love you
kangen ryntha juga. dm lineku selalu kebuka if someday you feel like talking
Mampir ke ff ku yuk, disana Jin jadi bottom semua ^
Ryn, wae? Please jangan leave wp :"(
And maybe I will visit this acc if I miss this. I feel like I wanted to cry, when I write this message. I'm so sorry. And truly, I love you. —Ryn. (Hehe, you can dm me If you want to fangirl Seokjin Taehyung or bangtan, for the last time (in this year?) before I log out this acc.)
@Sincostan__02 but however aku akan selalu mendukungmu my little poetess.. don't ever give up,you never walk alone Ryn.. ps. i love you
[CLOSED] It's hard for me to say good bye. Everything in here means a lot to me. I love you all. I truly mean it. But I can't do this. In this acc, I will remember what I want to forget. To My favorite person(s), to kak nai, even though you will never read this message, I hope you always okay. To Kak Gin, Kak Ryu, Kak Lis, Bar, Jen, Kak Sas, I love you all. Thx you for making such a beautiful memories. To all that has been read or make such a amazing comment or visit my stories, thx you. Thx you. Thx you. And I love you. Hope we can meet in another platform or acc! :) —Ryn.
I MISS YOU SOOOOOO BAD RYN ,hai adik Kim namjoon kapan kembali ke dunia oren??
@SashaSasha445 Owhhh okee ma babeeee...i'll always support and waiting for you,good luck and go fight for masa orentasinya yah,saranghaeyooooo
@SashaSasha445 HALOOO. It's been a long time, isn't it? AKU KANGENN JUGAAAAA. Adiknya Kim Namjoon lagi mau masa orientasi dulu nih. Beres masa orientasi full kembali. Tungguin ya kak :'))
Hai chingu! :D Suka baca ff dengan cast Seokjin? Yuk mampir ke work @Senyum :) Semoga suka ^^
@senyum_ku ya kalau aku senyum sendiri juga aneh, nanti dikira akunya miring /APAAN/ XD Iyaa sama-samaa. Nanti aku mampir yaa :'3
@ Sincostan__02 senyumnya udah dateng jadi km harus selalu tersenyum, chingu :D. Oke makasih ya udah respons :)
@senyum_ku halo senyumku. Ternyata ada di sini, pantesan kemarin aku gak bisa senyum ((APA)) XD. Nanti aku baca yaaa :'3 aku tambahin ke perpus duluu hehe xD
@retnokusumawasm okee. Nanti aku baca yaps. Aku tambah dulu ke library xD
Namanya lucu. Sincostan. Sebagai lulusan matematika saya jadi ikut tersanjung /apa hubungannya?/ Anw salam kenal, I love you and your story. Kkk
@RereReeeia ((ASIK)) /MauGaliSumurDulu/ Yeuu, qaqa begini ya sama dedeq. XD Panggilan sayang cukup, khususon buat Seokjin Kim wkqk hebat banget kalau aku demam karena trigonometri :')) bisa dituntut tydack itu trigono? /Heh/
@ RereReeeia wkwk trigonometri emang gitu, tapi asik kok. Udah lupa sayangkuuu. Tapi kalo mau diajarin ya sini ke rumah :p Yee terserah sih mau panggil apa. Panggil sayang juga boleh XD Iya ngga papa. Demam mikir kalkulus bukan? XD
kak. please. jangan. di. un. pub. lagi. oke.
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