I can't believe you draw these and wrote the story yourself you are amazing whole time I read it i thought that the original author of ranma 1/2 make this your work is amazing take all the time you want to make something like this i know i said it before but your work is amazing

@ RyojiKaji1978 in my Instagram try to say sorry! Damned autocorrector keyboard! Ah my Instagram is RyojiKaji1978! Thanks!

@ brychan22 Hello! How are you doing? It is very rewarding you like my work, thanks for your support! The only social network where I also publish the continuation is on my install although I do it alone in Spanish, should I publish it in English not in? By the way you know from another good network or site where to publish? It is that I saw that almost all the places where Amateur works are published are from WebToon and do not know if a sleeve would be accepted like the mine that is made in the ancient way.