
Hola! que tal todo? Les viene gustando como se va desarrollando la historia? Ojala que si! Les queria avisar que por un tiempito no voy a estar publicando nada, porque estoy dibujando la nueva saga y quiero terrminar el capitulo 4 asi completo el tomo 40, en cuanto pueda saco el primer capitulo de esta saga que se va a llamar El legado de los Saotome, va a incluir personajes nuevos y la verdad estoy algo nervioso si van a ser bien recibidos, tengo un capitulo ya listo para retocarlo digitalmente pero los otros 3 son bocetos, asi que les pido por favor paciencia. Les envio un abrazo grande y muchas gracias por seguir aqui a mi lado apoyandome
          	Hello! how is everything? Do you like how the story develops? I hope so! I wanted to let you know that I won't be posting anything for a while, because I'm drawing the new saga and I want to finish chapter 4, so I'll complete volume 40, as soon as I can, I'll release the first chapter of this saga that's going to be called The Legacy of the Saotome, it's going to include new characters and the truth is I'm a little nervous if they're going to be well received, I have a chapter already ready to touch it up digitally but the other 3 are sketches, so please be patient. I send you a big hug and thank you very much for continuing to be here by my side supporting me.


I can't believe you draw these and wrote the story yourself you are amazing whole time I read it i thought that the original author of ranma 1/2 make this your work is amazing take all the time you want to make something like this i know i said it before but your work is amazing 


@ RyojiKaji1978  in my Instagram try to say sorry! Damned autocorrector keyboard! Ah my Instagram is RyojiKaji1978! Thanks! 


@ brychan22  Hello! How are you doing? It is very rewarding you like my work, thanks for your support! The only social network where I also publish the continuation is on my install although I do it alone in Spanish, should I publish it in English not in? By the way you know from another good network or site where to publish? It is that I saw that almost all the places where  Amateur works are published are from WebToon and do not know if a sleeve would be accepted like the mine that is made in the ancient way.


do you ever crosspost your work on a different platform to read it on??? i love your work!


Hola! que tal todo? Les viene gustando como se va desarrollando la historia? Ojala que si! Les queria avisar que por un tiempito no voy a estar publicando nada, porque estoy dibujando la nueva saga y quiero terrminar el capitulo 4 asi completo el tomo 40, en cuanto pueda saco el primer capitulo de esta saga que se va a llamar El legado de los Saotome, va a incluir personajes nuevos y la verdad estoy algo nervioso si van a ser bien recibidos, tengo un capitulo ya listo para retocarlo digitalmente pero los otros 3 son bocetos, asi que les pido por favor paciencia. Les envio un abrazo grande y muchas gracias por seguir aqui a mi lado apoyandome
          Hello! how is everything? Do you like how the story develops? I hope so! I wanted to let you know that I won't be posting anything for a while, because I'm drawing the new saga and I want to finish chapter 4, so I'll complete volume 40, as soon as I can, I'll release the first chapter of this saga that's going to be called The Legacy of the Saotome, it's going to include new characters and the truth is I'm a little nervous if they're going to be well received, I have a chapter already ready to touch it up digitally but the other 3 are sketches, so please be patient. I send you a big hug and thank you very much for continuing to be here by my side supporting me.


Hola como estan? ante todo les pido disculpas por el retraso en las entregas, a veces la vida diaria no te da tiempo para hacer las cosas que te gustan, y bueno yo no escapo a esa regla, aunque quizas ahora que estoy de vacaciones voy a tener mas tiempo para ir dibujando e ir actualizando el doujinshi.
          Hello how are you? First of all, I apologize for the delay in deliveries, sometimes daily life does not give you time to do the things you like, and well, I do not escape this rule, although perhaps now that I am on vacation I will have more time to go drawing and update the doujinshi.


Tengo hechas mas o menos sino me equivoco 250 paginas de historias que dibuje hace muchos años. Voy a ir publicandolas a razón 4 páginas por semana (un capítulo por mes diríamos) y mientras tanto voy a retomar la historia donde la deje