
Hello @RyokenFilante! How are you? I'm reaching you because I'm currently ready your story 'Impossible Love's' and I love it very much! I'm amazed by your characters, the way you make them so alive through words, you are really talented! I wish I was as talented as you are! I wrote a story lately, about an impossible love between two soulmates. It is quite personal and I'm proud of this first story, but I know that I can improve my writing skills! I would be so happy if you could give me an honest review of my story and some writing tips! Thank you so much!


@ LovelyBeatle  and yes I'm doing good  how are you 


@ LovelyBeatle  for my opinion on your story I love it and it's just great how you describe over all , your novel is lovely but I'm having a hard time on reading it because , there one paragraph that was so long and I'm having hards time to focus , it's on my opinion only some of them would like them but some of them would have a hard time so for me you can try to adjust the long paragraph and space them into 1/2 


@ LovelyBeatle  AWWW thank you , I just started making this novel , thank you for liking my novel  I will gladly take a look at your novel and tell my honest reaction , Thank you so much for your kindness also ✨