Hey, I'm so sorry for announcing something like this, but I don't think I'll be writing for a while.
          	Two days ago, my uncle passed away, and yesterday my cat passed away. It's really, really getting to me and I miss them both a ton
          	I really hope all of you are okay and you can live your lives peacefully, I hope 2025 treats you all very well because this hurts so much


Hey, I'm so sorry for announcing something like this, but I don't think I'll be writing for a while.
          Two days ago, my uncle passed away, and yesterday my cat passed away. It's really, really getting to me and I miss them both a ton
          I really hope all of you are okay and you can live your lives peacefully, I hope 2025 treats you all very well because this hurts so much


          Okay, yes, I've been slacking and it's DEFINITELY been some time, so I have come with a very quick update and an apology for how I've been these past few months- 
          Firstly, the next chapter is in the works! I currently only have about a third or fourth of it written, but as of posting this now, I am continuing to work on it so you guys won't be left hanging forever!!
          I also can confirm, that in a few chapters, there will be more time with Brutus! :] 
          Oh- and because it was brought up, I'd love to see what you guys think Brutus's breed is!! I will tell you guys eventually, but, I'd love to know regardless!!


@S-ST4RRY_SVN YIPPY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gay dinosaurs.


            Kala... The frogs are gay too-


I don't have the app anymore, I can access the Website still.
          Thank you for being kind.
          But I did kinda abandon everyone, and I feel bad for that. Really bad


            You're allowed to feel bad, but you're also allowed to have a life. You're a human being trying to live and learn like everyone else, I'm not going to be mean, but to show you do care, instead of pushing everyone away, make an effort to reach out more and ask how people are after this


          Hello again, lovely readers!! I thankfully have some pretty good news! As of yesterday, I now have a device to continue writing LBULSP!!! (YIPPEE!!!) Currently, it's charging, but I will absolutely get back to writing once I get the chance!
          Another announcement, how do we feel about For the Record?? I know there's only 1 chapter, and honestly I might not continue it, bit- hey, if you guys like it, then Ill keep writing that silly side book!
          That's all I had to announce, I hope you're all enjoying the summer so far!