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Holy shit I haven’t been on here since September 6th of 2024. Sorry for not posting. I was transferring and other things. Hope you had a good year, and I hope you have an even better year this year. Love you guys! I’m honestly out of my Jake and Johnnie ship faze! I’m on a wolfwalker faze lol!


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Holy shit I haven’t been on here since September 6th of 2024. Sorry for not posting. I was transferring and other things. Hope you had a good year, and I hope you have an even better year this year. Love you guys! I’m honestly out of my Jake and Johnnie ship faze! I’m on a wolfwalker faze lol!


Hey guys, Ik I only have two followers but I’m going to sadly get rid of all my books(fanfic) and write a romance thing of my own. I’m so sorry, it’s just school, stress, therapy, and harassment at my school has been bad, so I’m taking a break on the fanfic. I’m so so so sorry. If you ever have tips, let me know and I’ll give credit to you if I use ur idea :) AGAIN sooo sorry! I love my 2 followers and everyone else! Stay safe! I love you so much!


IM BACK! SRRY I DIDNT POST 4 A WHILE. I WAS ON VACATION. I CHANGED THE 1ST CHAPTER 2 SMTH MORE INTERESTING. Still the same plot, just more detailed. SRRY I update and change things on the book. I’m indecisive asf. Check out ch. 2. It’s updated too,


Hey guys! I’m back! Since school is almost over for me, I’ll be able to update more. I’m working on chapter 2 of “Behind The Scenes” Jahnnie fanfic! If you like it, or know someone who would be interested in the book, please share! My goal is for 100+ people to read my book! Thanks darlings!️