
Hey there, would u mind trying out a new book? I have just started writing a book called Asking Myself Why. Can u please give it a try? It'll be different from most books, i promise u. Its teenfiction with romance and mystery. The story is about a girl with memory loss. The memory loss was something she, more than any other people, shouldn't have bc shes a popular actress with a lot of enemies. Hope u like it. Thank u.


Sure! Read for read? My book starts off slow but I have many plot twists in store. You'll see what I mean soon I'm sure :) 
            Thanks and please give feedback!


Hello. I checked out you book summary and it really has intrigued me to start reading your book. It's a different take on Peter Pan...or so I suspect...
          I would love it if you'd check my work out and give me some comments and feedback for improvement...would really motivate me to keep writing... 


I totally understand! And yes, I think my book actually starts out just like all the other fanfics unfortunately, but there are big things coming that I've already written. Hope you stick with it ;) 