Anyways regarding my last post, for anyone who can't afford the books or are unable to reach a library to get them PLEASE dm me, I have links to all of them as pdf's (text pages. Just like the books but no pretty covers.) You also wouldn't be supporting JKR so thats a plus.
And for people who have problems with reading for long periods of time or just reading in general, I recommend trying to find audiobooks of them where you can just read along and listen so its easier. One I really enjoy is MissSmith Storytime on YouTube, she's got a calming voice and speaks slowly, its also entirely free and you're able to speed it up if that's how you like to read. For people with attention deficiency problems what worked for me was taking a break and rewarding myself after every chapter. (hour break and maybe an episode of a show you liked? or something you enjoy doing.) basically don't make it feel like a chore. At times it felt really overwhelming because I couldn't take in all the information so fast so PLEASE take breaks if you need them. If you read it start to finish without any stops in between in the end you'll feel.. Idk how to explain it. Like. Bored? like it felt like something you HAD to do. Not something you would enjoy doing again.
Lastly, don't actually force yourself to read the books because you feel out of the loop. It should be something you want to do instead of something the annoying people bragging about it make you do.