
Updates will be a little longer, it's kind of a bad week for me. I'm just feeling sad so~ no motivation. I will update though!! but it might not be for another week. Sorry about that. Hope you guys who have read Silver Lightning have enjoyed the story so far!


Aww feel better soon buddy


Umm I know this might be weird but can you pleaseeeeeee update blood red and white hair or perhaps maybe pass it of to someone you know would finish it, even though it’s short it looks like it would be a really amazing book.         
          (P/S sorry if this offends you)


Ok, so I just got back on Wattpad after about two weeks. So my notifications are blowing up and I get the motivation to update since I haven't updated for a couple months and-
          Like y'all. I had 48 followers. Now I have 98. about 20 of those in the span of 24 hours. So like kudos to all of you!!! Also how the hell did that happen. It's been like a year since I started Silver Lighting and did the rewrite.  I didn't expect this story to go so far. Honestly. So the anniversary of me joining Wattpad is coming up so I will either post a new chapter of do a special. For those who actually see this, you can vote on either one until August 17. I just realized. August 18 is when highschool starts. And its the anniversary. *sobs* truly terrible timing past me. You could have waited a day.


Yeah the people of wattpad confuse me lol


@SoggyCheez33 Idk, its says 158. Sadly, I cannot teach you as not even I know the ways of the people of Wattpad.


Well. You have 160 followers now


Soooo, like slight writers block for silver lightning?
          So I also have summer classes and my Spanish teacher sucks. Mostly, I haven't even looked at writing something for about a month now. This summer has me feeling slightly nostalgic and sad. So like, no motivation unless writing a sad chapter, actually, wait a minute, new chapter for silver lighting coming up and now I'm just thinking,
          "You change your mind like a girl changes clothes." and dam Katy, you're right.


Writers block sucks
            I’ve had three Spanish teachers so far and they’ve all been awful soooooooo
            Feel better soon buddio