Greetings everyone! I am back from the void with some milk which probably went spoiled already, but anyways, I have some changes I'd like to discuss.
I've unfollowed almost all of you as I have forgotten the reasons why I followed so many people and I want to start anew like having a fresh account. Feel free to unfollow me as I'm not the person you've vibed with and committed crimes with anymore, nor am I the person who was nice enough to follow every account I've talked with.
I must admit, I'm getting distant and started to lurk around books without a word and that's what I'll be only planning to do for a while right now.
I appreciate all the support you all gave to me throughout the years, but for now, I'll only be existing to enjoy the peace I've been granted this lately.
(Btw if you've got an interest in shifting realities or know a thing or two about it, I'm a listening ear.)