I'm back! I still don't have my own computer but I'm working on it, and I should have one soon. For now, though, I'll only be active from time to time.
I'm back! I still don't have my own computer but I'm working on it, and I should have one soon. For now, though, I'll only be active from time to time.
Mildly attractive boy: *exists*
My mom with me in public: oH KODI, HE'S PRETTY HANDSOME! WHY DON'T YOU SAY HI!
Me: yo
Her later: wHy WeRe YoU sO mEaN, yOu EmBaRaSSeD mE iN pUbLiC
Her to my dad: Kodi has a bOYFRIEND
I was talking to my brother while I was drunk last night and when he asked me to do something my immediate response was "You can't make me. I laugh in the face of death and dare him to search my soul. You kneel before my throne unaware that it was born of lies. The only reason a warrior is alive is to fight and the only reason a warrior fights is to win, and if you are going to fight me then I am going to win." and I immediately got up to go do it