
          my beautiful friend, i hope you feel wild and free. i hope you do all the things you dream of doing. i hope you travel everywhere you dream of going and taste the foods you dream of tasting... i hope you let yourself to be completely and widely yourself, without worrying about what others will think, and free yourself from others expectations and criticisms because they'll never know of all of the magic and dreams within your heart. i hope you trust yourself as the oceans do the moon, and let yourself shine as the night sky does the star. i hope you always have faith in yourself as the flower do in the sun... i hope you live wild and free, my beautiful and brave friend.
          ❤️✨ HAPPY NEW YEAR ✨❤️




darling, terrible things will happen, and terrible things will pass. you have to believe in the moments of quiet. you have to believe in the healing.
          Get Serious — about you peace.
          Get Serious — about your future.
          Get Serious — about your goals.
          Get Serious — about your love.
          Get Serious — about your faith.
          Get Serious — about your mental.
          Get Serious — about your life.
          Get Serious — about your self.
          little by little, day by day, what is meant for you will find it's way.


Hello my dear followers, this is Aya also known as @-HONEYBACHIRA my main account have been deactivated and now this is my active account, please unfollow my first account and follow this account instead. I'm sorry for the disturbance, I just want to inform you that I will be updating my book/s in this account from now on. Have a good day/evening