Hi Sally chan. How's everything going?
@toshikikai2 Oh my gosh, it’s been quite a while. And 2020 in terms of months have flown by so quickly (for me at least). For school, I’m like going through my classes not knowing what I’m doing (especially math and literature) >.< For August, going back to school is just a weird feeling seeing how the last school year ended abruptly… Seeing your pp reminded me: At some point last year, I got 5 volumes of Fruits Basket since the price had been cheaper because they were used. And rereading made me smile but also want to cry. (Fruits Basket is just so good!!). I haven’t watched the reboot though. It feels like an overwhelming amount of things have happened, but at the moment, it feels pretty calm. How have you been? :3 Have you gotten into any new fandoms or revisited old ones? Did you read any new books that you really liked? How’s life in general?