
working on chapter 9 of what am I getting into now!


hey cool you love wrestling too. I love meeting new wrestling fans and I am enjoying your Dj Asha fanfic so far good stuff. : )


yes I love wrestling too lol and I haven't work on my dj one in a while but feel free to read any others :)


Love that you are a SAMCRO princess. . .SOA are my all time favourite tv-show, and by looking at the pics in the background I gather you are an Opie fan. My fav. guy is Tig ( I know, I can't help it, but I like Jax as well, but hey, everybody loves Jax! Right?) I'm gonna take a look at your SOA fanfic!


thank you and I love tig also, I haven't decided if I want to write one about him yet or not but yes I love opie and when he died I was bawlin my eyes out lol and yes everyone loves jax. and please vote and I would love follow :)