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fuck, i'm sorry, i really am, i really truely loved you, thank you for all the memories, thank you for staying even if it was just a while, i love you so much, i'm so sorry i'm so fucking sorry, times up now. and  have to get going.


this message may be offensive
fuck, i'm sorry, i really am, i really truely loved you, thank you for all the memories, thank you for staying even if it was just a while, i love you so much, i'm so sorry i'm so fucking sorry, times up now. and  have to get going.


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          HI HELLO BABY! it is i, hyunjin. aka, your loyl. or, i better be! been yours for a whole month you mf! okay, so i've been hella inactive lately, and it shows. so for that, i'm so, so sorry. i'm always just so tired these days ): my phone's either dying or i'm asleep and forgetful. i just need to set a loud ass alarm that says "GET ON WATTPAD YOU LAZY BITCH". maybe then i would actually be here. but anyways, on to the real reason i'm here. it's been over a month since i've fallen for you. today marks the day of our relationship, our first anniversary for our seemingly never-ending love. however, i've been in love with you since the first day we started speaking. i still have your introduction on my message board! i'll never delete it, either. makes me so very emotional:") but in the best way! my mind is running with many different thoughts at the moment, yet it keeps swiveling back to you and only you. the oNE TIME I NEED TO THINK OF ACTUAL WORDS INSTEAD OF YOU, AND YOU'RE ALL I CAN THINK OF. STUPID BRAIN. well, technically, i always think of you regardless. if i was thinking of words, it'd somehow lead back to you. everything always does. 


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also, i've seen your message board, and your pms. and baby baby baby ; i love you. do you know that? because i do. so! fucking! much! and maybe "i love you" is overrated, seeing as it's said so much. but there isn't a term that i can think of that means more than love, so that's what we're going with here. lately it's been kinda hard for me. someone i cared for is gone, which stinks. i mean, i didn't know him well, but still. my sister has lice and i'm tRYING to keep a distance so that i don't get it as well. <--- no idea why i mentioned tHaT in my letter, but OH WELL. i guess i'm just saying whatever strange thoughts pop into my small head. 
            BUT I'M OFF TOPIC AGAIN. i wanted to say that i'm always here for you. well, pfft. not like... HERE here. but in your heart ): as fUCKING CLICHE AS THAT SOUNDS, it's true. if i'm not active, or if i'm sleeping, you can still rant to me or let your emotions out. we all go through shit, but you don't have to go through it alone, my precious prince. i want to be someone you can speak with, because i know that you're that person for me. now, i'm gonna end this letter here because it's 2am and i'm sO tired. but i'm going to add on to this letter when i wake. i love you so very much, my sweet luci. ALL THE KISSES FOR YOU!! 
                            ୧•✧⠢╰┄─➤ YOUR PRINCESSˀ  *ೃ༄