Message of the day: 
          	Be kind to Mother Nature, for she is already showing her wrath and disappointment with the humans. Climate change, is real. The glaciers really are melting, natural habitats are being destroyed, trees are getting cut and the waters are being polluted. Be the positive change and don't add to the destruction. 


Message of the day: 
          Be kind to Mother Nature, for she is already showing her wrath and disappointment with the humans. Climate change, is real. The glaciers really are melting, natural habitats are being destroyed, trees are getting cut and the waters are being polluted. Be the positive change and don't add to the destruction. 


Um hey I was just wondering if you would please check out my story it's called the sexy billionare I just published chapter one now if you don't find it easily just check my profile which is kamsi ofoegbu and I was wondering if you could read it and tell me your opinion and also vote so I can update again you can also tell your friends to thank you