Good day! The updates on my book "F*ck and Tell" will be done twice a week(Monday & Friday) @6:00pm PHT. I hope you enjoy my book as much as I enjor writing them.
- chonard
Good day! The updates on my book "F*ck and Tell" will be done twice a week(Monday & Friday) @6:00pm PHT. I hope you enjoy my book as much as I enjor writing them.
- chonard
Good day everyone! I will update my book "F*ck and Tell" twice a week (Monday and Friday). That will be my official schedule. By the way, thank you for reading my book. I love you all!
- chonard
Should I upload my next book? It's another PaKenTell story. Do you want it guys?? I already wrote like 6 chapters. Uploading it will give me more encouragement to continue and keep on writing. Btw, TagLish to guys as you requested from my previous book. Anyways, Happy Valentines Day and Happy Anniversary sa ALAMAT Good day, A'tin!!
Hi po! It's been so long since I last updated. Im currently working on my stories part-time since I'm settling my real-life problems. I hope you guys continue to be patient with me.
Good Day readers
My FIRST book will undergo a BIG CHANGE
I will change the name of one of the characters. Not the MAIN LEADS though.
This is in preparation for my upcoming new book. I hope you keep on supporting me and I'll look forward to your reactions to my books.
Love you so much