" hEy eRi.. " the clowns voice came from behind eridan before the lanky troll came into view, cow-like ears with their big gauges flicked upwards in excitement. how the troll had even gotten onto eridan's ship was a very good question, but because it was gamzee, you can't question his clown-ish tactics for long. "hOw hAvE YoU MoThErFuCkIn bEeN, bRoThEr? ItS BeEn a lOnG TiMe sInCe i'vE TaLkEd tO YoU. oR Uh, A YoU. iN EiThEr wAy, ItS NiCe tO SeE YoU MoThErFuCkEr. " the purpleblood stated calmly, his long tail flicking back and forth behind him with a lax expression. his thumbs hooked into his polka dot pant pockets, his toothy smile friendly towards the seadweller.

this message may be
( holy SHIT that was way longer than i wanted it to be i am so sorry

"nAhH.. NoT ReAlLy. JuSt kInDa tRyIn' To fInD SoMe pEoPlE To mOtHeRfUcKiN TaLk tO. iT GeTs lOnElY BeInG CoOpEd uP HoMe aLoNe aFtEr a wHiLe, Y'KnOw? PiEs aReN'T ThE BeSt mOtHeRfUcKiN' cOmPaNy." gamzee quite happily returned the finger guns, his lopsided grin growing briefly before it somewhat dropped at the edges. His tail danced from side to side in what could be mistaken as irritation, but the trolls expression remained quite calm. "aW C'MoN ErI.. YoU ShOuLdN'T SaY ThAt aBoUt yOuRsElF. yOu aReN'T A BaD GuY, bRoThEr. YoU ShOuLd lEt gO Of aLl tHaT SeLf-dOuBt! LoOk wHeRe iTs gOt mE!" coming from gamzee, that probably wasn't very reassuring due to his obvious addictions he had that kept him from thinking about anything past another pie. But his words were as genuine as the grin on his painted face. He hunched to be somewhat closer to eridan, although still remained quite tall. "sPeAkInG Of mE.. I'Ve bEeN PrEtTy mOtHeRfUcKiN' gOoD. bEsIdEs tHe wHoLe bEiNg lEfT AlOnE ThInG. yOu kNoW HoW LoNg iTs bEeN SiNcE I LaSt sAw mY LuSuS? a rEaL LoNg mOtHeRfUcKiN TiMe. OlD MaN DoEsN'T EvEn cOmE In tO HaVe a pIe wItH Me. " his ears sort of drooped as he spoke, his gaze drawing down to his feet. They quickly rose once more though with his smile, looking at eridan again. "nOt lIkE It bOtHeRs mE Or aNyThInG.. He dOeSn't lIkE WhEn iM AlL MoThErFuCkIn' PiEd uP aNyWaYs." His eyes then went to the map in eridan's claws, his ears going up completely once again. "hEyY, wHeRe yOu hEaDeD FoR, bRoThEr? " his train of thought didn't seem all there, somewhat sliding between the tracks as he jumped from topic to topic. At least he hadn't completely derailed into his miracle talk like he normally would, because he would likely talk for hours about it.

☆ ! :: @InfinitesimalJester the seadweller had his eye sore of neon painted nails pressed against the map, his finger gliding over the route he was going to take. shoulders jumping as he heard an unexpected voice behind him. the prince turned to see gamzee behind him, looking up because of how short he was, and made a face of both confusion and slight relief. the seadweller decided to not question gamzee’s shenanigans and was a bit ecstatic to see that someone was actually talking to such a pathetic excuse of a violetblood like him. he kept his ecstatic-ness rather ‘hush hush’ though. “hey gamz.” eridan finger gunned dorkily as a greeting, “it’s been,, uhm,, wwell i guess it could be better. ivve been tryin to figure out myself for the better so not evveryone wwill end up thinkin im the absolute wworst.” he frowned, flicking one of the bracelets on his wrists, “its a rather surprisin sight to see you here, though. howw are you doin? is there a reason you decided to drop by?”