
@frankierofan30 Okay goodnight! :) ttyl!


@frankierofan30 Oh geez! ._. And really? haha I'm 16... this is a sad situation for me hahaha ^_^ and omg "healthier" times... xD I think she's right... kind of-ish haha! :)) there are lots of nasty diseases and whatnot. D: but I'm sure you're a safe person and wouldn't interact with anyone that isn't "healthy".


@TifTif Same hear! My dads not strict but when it comes to bfs he's like a Sargent or something...O_O I asked my mom at wht age she had her first bf and she said she was 15 and I asked y  I couldn't hav one at age 15 and she said that because it was "back then in healthier times." what ever tht means! O_e


@frankierofan30 WHAT? omfg that's crazy! Well, I kind of understand 18 'cause some parents are a bit strict but 25?!?! you're old enough to have babies then lmao :)) I think I'm allowed to have a boyfriend but... ya know... I'm a shy gal and I don't get much of that "attention" from boys. lol


@TifTif I would ask for a pic and hug...may e of I waney freaking out a lot a little kiss on the cheek...would be my first kiss from a guy who ain't a relative...but don't judge me!! I'm only in 7th grade and I'm really shy around the opposite sex. But that would be epic!!! A kiss on the cheek from Frankie...^_^