/          cb  again ..     &  drop  if  you  want  to  :3 


⠀ ⠀ ⠀why    are    you   looking   at   me   like   that?


⠀ ⠀⠀     *      "baphomet"  eyes twitched when labelled as a villain, his two index fingers hovering over his lips, making a x.         *          wrong,     i'm     neither     a    villain    or    a    hero.            *        he would give a faint smile while moving his hands out of the way to soon place one of them underneath the others chin, his index finger applying pressure upwards while he tilted his head to the side.        *           you're    right,   it   would   be   easier  if   i   allowed   you   ...      but     how   can  i?     you    know   that    i   love   getting    myself    bloody    &   you   can't   deny   that   you   don't   enjoy   it..         *      his voice purring as he licks his canines,    eyes gazing at him teasingly while whispering lowly into their ear.    *      i    see    that    spark    in    your    eyes    every    time     we     /spar/     with    each    other ...      don't     think     i     haven't   notice     it     for     a    while


freaky  ..?     (   it  was  a  term  he  wasn’t  used  to,     being  the  “dignified”   person  he  was.      a  scoff  that  sounded  more  like  a  chuckle  barely  managing  to  escape  the  velvets  of  his  mouth.     his  hair  twirled  between  the  tongue  of  his  two  dominant  fingers,    pale  of  the  touch  hence   to  the  gentle  dread  of  the  undenied  man.   gaze  leisurely  kept  on  the  figure  before  him.   )       oh,   come  on.     you’ve  done  worse  things  out  in  public (..)     being  the  / villain /   you  are.       how  about  you  go  down  without  a  fight,   hm?     it’ll  be  a  lot  easier  for  the  both  of  us. 
            /       @YAGISKULL


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀out  in  public?  ..  ooo   how  freaky   of   you.       *      he said with a amused tone, eyes fixated on the other while his hands hug himself. Giving himself a slight squeeze as a shiver ran down his spine at the thought of being eaten.        *          however   I   like   to   rather   toy   with   my   predator,   so   you   can   try   but   I   won't   stand   still


that sounds like a personal problem,  which doesn't involve me.


@SERALINED  and how would this involve me?  depending on what you need,  i'll consider it.


you’re  so  cold,     can’t  you  help  me  out  just  this  / once /    ?         and  actually,     it  does  involve  you.  
            /         @kinelysis


      /        hhi..   cb!   feel  free  to  specify.     i  made  an  oc..   (   plsplsplss interact  with  him  ) 


     *       por favor 


                  ⠀    ⠀      ⠀             ⠀ ⠀      ⠀             
          ⠀      ⠀             ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ to rebirth ,        ✴︎      first requires death.              ⠀    ⠀      ⠀             ⠀ ⠀      ⠀             
          ⠀      ⠀             ⠀


original  character.     multi-fandom.     mirrored  writing,     mun  is  an  adult.     


vii.̲ ̲  ﹙ ✴︎﹚      ADEUS.    was a topic of sheer abluvion of impulse.   he  was  by  no  means  the  kind  that  only  promised  trouble.   walking  with  the  shadows  dancing  dangerously  around  his  skin,     like  saint who  garner  a  gateway'd  lullaby  drenching  within'  mortal  vulnerabilities;     playing  the  stake  of  the  soul.     grasped  their  heart  like  it  was  a  mere  toy,      with  a  pump  of  scarletta  blood  under  the  takes  of  the  nonexistent  boiling  revelation;    all  for  the  sake  of  their  lives  that  ADEUS  played  with  at  the  tip  of  his  fingers,      to  watch  them  weep  on  their  knees  just  to  see  another  sunfall.     