
Hey all. So, after being gone and not touching any of my writing here for years, I'm back(ish). College takes up most of my time and energy(in fact, I'm currently procrastinating roughly three essays :'D), so I'm going to be taking down most if not all of my published works since I'm not sure when or if any of then will be updated next. I'm sorry to do this, but it's a happening thing. But, I might be publishing a poetry collection as my only work, maybe not, I'm not sure either way at the moment. Anywho, thank you all for staying with me through the years, and I'm sorry to have to take all my works down(maybe if people really want a specific one to stay up/maybe get updated I'll keep it up and try to work on a new installment). Sorry again all, have a good day!


Hey all. So, after being gone and not touching any of my writing here for years, I'm back(ish). College takes up most of my time and energy(in fact, I'm currently procrastinating roughly three essays :'D), so I'm going to be taking down most if not all of my published works since I'm not sure when or if any of then will be updated next. I'm sorry to do this, but it's a happening thing. But, I might be publishing a poetry collection as my only work, maybe not, I'm not sure either way at the moment. Anywho, thank you all for staying with me through the years, and I'm sorry to have to take all my works down(maybe if people really want a specific one to stay up/maybe get updated I'll keep it up and try to work on a new installment). Sorry again all, have a good day!


Wow, it's been two years since I've posted ANYTHING on Wattpad. I'm terribly sorry for the sudden and long silence, I don't have much explanation other that life happened and I haven't had chance or really motivation to get on here and write. It doesn't seem like long ago but at the same time it does since when I was last one here. Again, I apologize for the sudden and lasting silence, hopefully as school comes to a close I will be able to write more. I think the main issue is loss of motivation for the stories on here, but that could be a result of being gone. Anywho, I'll try to get on and find my muses again, possibly scrap some old stories are at least pronounce them dead, maybe write some new ones. If anyone has questions or a story they've been waiting for an update on and still want it, message me and I'll see what I can do for you. Have a nice day everyone~


@SForsythe  no problem,take your time


Oh yeah, I forgot in the rant below to add I am sorry about spelling and grammar errors, I know they are annoying to try and read through and around but please bear with me, I am trying. OK, I think I'm done now. Love all you amazing people and don't forget to keep on dreaming! Bye for reals!


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written or updated anything in forever, I just kinda got sidetracked and forgot and lost my muse for a while but I'm back now! Yay! I think. Anyhoo, sorry to readers about the stories I unpublished/deleted, they were stories that I lost interest in writing and was never going to get around to updating anyways so yeah, please don't be too mad at me, but I understand if you are a bit peeved. But, I did get around to updating a few stories that had more reads which I am so happy about so thank you everybody for reading my stories! And I am sorry about the stories I didn't update, I will try to get around to it sometime soon but school will be starting up soon so I can't guarantee anything, but I will try my hardest. Well, I think that's all I have to say for now. Oh yeah, thank you so much to everyone who has read any of my stories, even if you didn't like it, it means a lot to me that people think the stuff I write is atleast somewhat interesting and good to read. And a HUGE thank you to my followers, you also mean a lot to me, especially because you think my works are good enough to follow me, thank you thank you so much! I love you all and don't forget to keep on dreaming! Bye!


Hey everyone! So, I know I haven't been on to much lately, school and things have been going on so sorry for no updates. Anyways, I was just thinking about this, but, some of you may be wondering "why does SForsythe have so many books that are unfinished?" and that is because Wattpad is my place to jot down ideas I get and test them out in the community to see if people will read it because I am thinking about being an author when I grow up. I'm sorry if he fact that I don't finish books bothers anyone, I try as hard as I can but for some of the stories they just lose their fire to me if you know what I mean and also I get writers block which is annoying. Anyways, thank you everyone for sticking to it and following me and voting and reading my stories and all that good stuff, it really does mean a lot to me, thanks a bunch! Keep on dreaming, bye! <3


Hi people!! How it goin? Hope everything's good for everybody, i know im doin good myself apart from being sick every five days, thanks alot fall/winter. - -
          Anyways, hope you guys are enjoying all your books and stuff and your not getting to sick this cold season. Well, good luck with life everybody, keep on dreamin. I love you all, bye! :0)


@SForsythe best.background.EVER.


Water Goddess is something I just did cuz I was bored...yeah....it's not that good...sorryz


@Juvia-chan13 dont doubt your abilities


@Juvia-chan13 well i dont care if you say it isnt good. cuz it looks really fun. and, usually when an author writes something and doesnt like it and says it bad another person will read it and it will actually be good.